Big Changes in Healthcare Coming in April of 2021
The 1.9 Trillion Dollar Covid Relief Package contains the biggest change to Obama Care since it first started. The bill plans on increasing subsidies for those currently enrolled under the Affordable Care Act for a timeframe of two years. This means that a large group of Americans who didn’t have healthcare before, will now have access, and nearly 14 million people will have lower premiums as a result.
The package also includes financial compensation for states who plan to expand their Medicaid Program this time around. With the increase in subsidies and program expansion, many people who purchase ACA compliant plans should see a decrease in costs. For example, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a 60-year-old man or woman with an income of roughly $55,000 should see their premiums drop by at least 50%.
According to The Wall Street Journal, this has been a long-standing goal of the Democratic Party and now it’s finally coming true. The changes would allow for a large amount of people to finally gain access to proper healthcare ( which is a must-have during these troubling times ) as well as lower existing premiums for those with active coverage. All of these changes, which Biden laid out in his campaign, marked the first major expansion since the start of the Cares Act in 2010. Check out the article below!