Why You Should Get Life Insurance
Life insurance is a really misunderstood and under-discussed topic. It’s a contract between you and your insurance company, that allows you to pay a premium, in exchange for a “death benefit” to a specific person or organization if you pass away while the policy is in effect.
The person or people responsible for receiving this death benefit can use the money for their financial needs, burial costs, household expenses or to covering debt. This person can be your child, a spouse, your parents, or your grandparents.
According to Eric Goldschein from the Nerd Wallet, in order to know if you need life insurance, you have to ask yourself an important question. Would your death financially impact the people in your life? If so, then you should definitely consider it.
Click here to check out the article: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/insurance/who-needs-life-insurance/